
双语早读丨美国枪患祸水外溢拉美 助长暴力犯罪



"It's called the iron river and it's flooding countries to the south," Elizabeth Burke of US non-profit Global Action on Gun Violence said at an event organized by the Center for American Progress in Washington.


John Lindsay-Poland, an activist from Stop US Arms to Mexico, added that lax license rules and enforcement helped facilitate the cross-border flow of arms - including military-grade weapons desired by cartels.

美国官方数据显示,2022年向拉丁美洲出口的合法枪支收入增长了 8%,其中大部分销往巴西、墨西哥、危地马拉和哥伦比亚。

U.S government figures show last year that income from legal firearm shipments to Latin America increased 8%, with most sales going to Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia.


Between 2007 and 2019, more than 179,000 firearms were captured in Mexico and five Central American countries and traced to gun shops and gun factories in the United States. Mexico’s foreign ministry believes this is the tip of the iceberg, and estimates that more than two million guns crossed the Rio Grande over the last decade.


The weapons originate in the legal US gun market. They then cross into a parallel black market through four main methods: a private sale loophole; straw buyers (people with clean records paid to buy guns); theft from gun shops; and the sale of parts to make un-serialized weapons, or “ghost guns”.


Traffickers take these guns from states with looser laws, such as Virginia and Georgia, to cities with stricter laws, including Washington and New York, which are suffering from sharp increases in gun violence. They also smuggle them south to Mexico, over the 2,000-mile border, hidden in cars and trucks.


The Mexican government filed a lawsuit against major U.S. arms manufacturers and distributors in federal court in Boston, arguing their negligent business practices have sparked bloodshed in Mexico by marketing to the country’s criminal underworld, “facilitating the unlawful trafficking of their guns to drug cartels.”
根据墨西哥政府的数据,2019年至少有17000起凶杀案与武器贩运有关。According to the Mexican government, at least 17,000 homicides in 2019 were linked to arms trafficking.

来源:中国日报网英语点津 (编辑:董静)





